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You Deserve a Break!

Travel Tips and Essentials


Whether you are on the beach or the slopes, don't leave your essentials without it! This site was originally meant to provide travel essentials because going through LAX of JFK on of the worst experiences and I wanted to save you the hassle and the time. However,
We've added other items for your travel to be easier and if you are curious, send me an email. We've traveled a lot and will give you tips to travel better (no....not like Travelocity). Hot places and other cool local stuff to do. We are also developing,, and and a few more. We have a pin called Synergy Group, and I hand pick all the products and most of them I have quality tested. Remember to have fun and thank you for visiting our site!

Our Story

If you venture onto most dating sites or ask your average American about their retirement dreams, the unanimous response tends to be: "Travel the world". With over 190 countries around the globe, each packed with captivating cities and centuries of juicy history, who can blame them?

Now, me and my merry band of amigos have been blessed enough to hopscotch to over 20 countries, maybe even more. From gawking at artworks that could make the Mona Lisa blush to craning our necks at the skyscrapers in Dubai, and heck, we've even checked off all seven wonders of the world.

But let me tell ya, the real cherry on top of this globetrotting sundae is the people you meet and the crazy cool ways they live their lives. Sure, we've had our fair share of mishaps and bloopers along the way, but those are the stories we'll be cackling about until our dentures fall out. So, we've decided to pay it forward with this little cyber nook,, dedicated to all you brave souls gearing up for your own adventures or maybe just a cheeky little holiday. We've even thrown in a shop page to help you snag the coolest luggage, backpacks, and all the other nifty travel gears to ensure your trip is off-the-charts epic. Because seriously, life's too short to be stuck in some stuffy Wall Street office, playing phone tag with clients all day!

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